5 Side Jobs To Make Extra Money

 If you’ve been feeling strapped for cash, you may want to consider finding a side job. The beauty of a side job is that it doesn’t require a full-time commitment or a strenuous commute. Instead, it’s a flexible, reliable, and even enjoyable way to earn additional income (while keeping your family duties as a top priority). 

What exactly is a side job?

Earn Extra Money With One Of These 5 Side Jobs

There are many different types of part-time employment, including various stay-at-home options. Many allow you to make your own schedule so you can work as much or as little as you want. The pay rate varies significantly (depending on the required skills and the level of experience necessary). To give you an idea, we’ve listed five examples of lucrative part-time opportunities. 


A transcription job is very straightforward. It requires you to listen to audio files and then type the content exactly as you hear it. The trickiest part is that not all of the files are high quality, and not all speakers are easy to understand; as a result, the text may be tough to accurately translate.

If the job involves medical or legal material, you may need training or proof that you have prior work experience in the field. However, if you choose to deal with general content, you can probably start transcribing right away.

In most cases, you just need a high-speed internet connection and decent headphones. Some companies require transcription software and expect their transcriptionists to use a foot pedal to control the speed and direction of the audio recording.

As for pay, the rate will vary according to the company and, of course, your ability and experience. Be sure to clarify if you’ll be paid by the “audio hour.” It’s estimated that one “audio hour” equals four hours of typing. 

Virtual assistant

If you don’t want to commute to a job outside of your home, you may want to get a part-time gig as a virtual assistant. It’s hard to categorize this position because the demands vary from company to company.

Here are some general things you might do if you’re hired to be a virtual assistant:

  • Respond to emails
  • Organize files
  • Make and return phone calls
  • Manage calendars and schedules
  • Keep track of bills and finances
  • Make travel plans
  • Draft letters and reports
  • Manage social media

You can, of course, offer a wide range of services as a virtual assistant, depending on your skillset. That means you can market your personal skills and find a company or entrepreneur looking for help with content creation; social media support, graphic design, SEO—anything really. 

The most valuable virtual assistants have top-notch skills, pay attention to detail, and are comfortable with different software. Yes, it helps to have a home office area set up because you’ll need a high-speed internet connection, a landline, and there may be a need for a printer/scanner as well. 

As a virtual assistant, you may choose to work with more than one client, and you set your hourly rate. 

Probably the most significant selling point is that you can set your schedule and work at any time of any day. The thing to know, however, is that a successful blog does require brainpower and a significant time commitment. 

As a blogger, you can endorse services or particular products in return for a percentage of sales. This is especially satisfying if you promote companies and items you’ve come to trust.  Another option is to develop and sell digital materials like eBooks, online courses, videos, or music. 

Overall, the key is to know your audience and to create quality content that’s relevant and desirable. Be sure to stay on top of market trends and be aware of what’s going on with your competitors. Try to remain flexible and positive; it may take some finessing to find the right tone and topic of a money-making blog.

Teach English online

Do you want to connect with international students but have no time (or desire) to travel abroad? Teaching English online is a lucrative part-time side job. With so many companies looking for online English tutors, chances are you’ll find one that compliments your skills and schedule. 

Some popular companies include VIPKid, Magic Ears, Qkids, DaDa, and Gogokid. To learn what it’s like to join the virtual teaching community, we recommend looking into what actual employees are saying about the experience. For example, VIPKid reviews and Magic Ears reviews can be easily accessed online.


As another side hustle, you could consider taking in a child for a few hours. Or maybe you could be responsible for picking up your child’s classmate and hosting a playdate a couple of times a week. Certainly, this option would be fun for your kids (if you have them) and financially beneficial for you.

If you’re a mom, you’re already a stellar caregiver, so there’s no need to learn any new skills, and you can probably easily find a client or two within your established group of parent-friends. The hours you work, and the amount you get paid are totally up to you.

Final Thoughts About Side Jobs

It’s always a great idea to diversify your income. We could all use a little extra cash flow or something extra to occupy our minds. If that’s the case for you, working on a side job may be just the ticket. 

What’s more, for lots of people whose side jobs are true passion projects, you could potentially turn that into your main gig and eventually quit your 9 to 5.

In today’s ever-changing landscape, there are loads of appealing options that you can do to complement your schedule, including delivery jobs, and paid task jobs. Go ahead and explore what’s out there and get ready to cash in! 

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